Thursday, October 18, 2012

Free Kindle Book by Kauai Author

Friday, October 19th,  2012 you can get your copy of Fun Fish Facts for Kids for Free on AMAZON. Fun Fish Facts is an eBook for Kindle, but if you don't have a Kindle, fret not...Amazon has an app for that. You can view this book also on your phone or your computer.

Kauai author and marine biologist, Monika Mira has incorporated dozens of beautiful photos into this fun and informative book.

Did you know that male sea horses give birth? Or that Parrotfish make sand. Did you know that some fish are in danger of disappearing from our oceans forever? Discover the fascinating world of marine fishes and learn how you can help protect sea life in Fun Fish Facts for Kids, part of the Science and Nature Series for Young Readers.